Double Beam Electric Crane

Double Beam Electric Crane

Short Description Of Product

through pendent pushbutton station (Optional remote or cabin Operated)

What is a double beam electric crane?

A twin beam electric crane is frequently used to hoist machines. This electric crane is more appropriate and structurally stronger than the twin girder electric crane. Compared to other double beam cranes, it has a much bigger capacity. We are one of India's leading suppliers of double beam electric cranes. In the past few years, we have taken care of a lot of significant clients, and we look forward to taking care of even more in the future. Our personnel ensure that the double beam electric crane is delivered without any technical problems. We offer our services in a number of India's largest cities. You can easily see why we stand out from the competition and why you should choose us by looking at the features and other factors listed below.

Features of Double Beam Electric Crane

  • Cabin Control / Radio Remote Control
  • All motion is dual-speed.
  • VFD in every movement
  • Siren sound while crane is moving
  • Special Dimension Hook
  • Other Well-Known Brand Gearbox
  • Festoon mechanism with drag chain
  • Safeguarding Paints or Coatings

Other Details of the Double Beam Electric Crane

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